Monday, July 2, 2012

Final Thoughts

So this is it.  After 116 entries, this will be my final post.  I've reached the end of my trip and the end of my journal.  I thought I would wrap up with a more meaningful conclusion instead of the day-to-day.

In the past 32 days, I realized just how small the world really is.  I just flew around the circumference of the Earth, so I know both literally and figuratively.  It also struck me just how similar we all really are.  Everywhere I went, people are trying to feed their families, improve their lives, and entertain themselves.  The lady selling bugs at the market and the man driving the taxi may have different interests, but we all end up doing most of the same things each day.

After traveling to all these different countries, I realized that the buildings, beds, and sights aren't what I remember.  It's the people.  I remember the way people treated me and the people I met along the way.  I remember how I felt about the cities more than I remember what I saw in the cities.

I think the Australians have it right.  International travel helps you open up your eyes.  In the US, we live in bubbles.  We think adventure is going to the poor side of town for an errand.  Adventure is riding in a taxi in Malaysia because your train was cancelled and hoping the driver isn't kidnapping you.  I think anyone who goes abroad for a month, even if it's in a safe place like London or Paris, comes back with experience that matures them.  Once you see how other cultures operate, it gives you the ability to reflect on your own.

On the flight to Boston, at the hotel in Boston, and on the flight to Dallas, I found myself annoyed at the conversations I was hearing.  In the United States, we no longer realize what we have.  I saw a lady furious with the bus driver because he asked her very politely if she could move away from the doors so he could close them.  She threw a fit.  In Thailand, the bus driver would just grab you and push you away from the doors.  Or, he would just start driving and if you fell out, it was karma.

We have also become so unfriendly.  In the Eastern world, everyone seemed excited to meet me.  Strangers would stop me on the street to ask if I spoke English.  Remember the man marching and singing about Obama and the USA in Penang?  It was hilarious.  If someone in the US started singing in the street, we would probably walk away as quickly as possible.  The South may not be as bad as Boston, but we're still pretty isolationist.  We almost never speak to those around us unless we have a good reason to.

It pains me to see how awful Americans travel, but it might be even worse to see how we act when we're at home.  Other countries appeared very united.  The US seems so divided all the time.

On perhaps a happier note, my trip was a success.  The learnings may be a little sobering, but the trip was a blast.  Yes, I had many things go wrong.  I missed flights, trains, and hostel reservations.  I wore dirty clothes and ended up with a few blisters.  I caught a cold and couldn't find medicine.  I was stuck in Mumbai airport jail.  Still, these things were no big deal in the end.  I made it back safe and sound and have a ton of memories from the month of June 2012.

I used to always talk about how awesome my trip to Europe in 2008 was.  I won't say that this trip was better entirely, but parts of it were.  Solo travel is entirely different than group travel.  I was able to set my own schedule each and every day.  It is very liberating to be able to cancel an activity when you are tired and add an extra one when you're feeling up for it.  Solo travel is scary, but it also forces you to meet other people.  I'm not sure how much more solo travel I will be doing, but I am glad I did it this time.

So, that about wraps it up.  I backpacked across the world for 32 days in 2012 and I am a better person for it.  I don't know if I will ever have another trip like this again, but I said 2008 was a "once-in-a-lifetime" trip and I was wrong.

My closing is this: Go.  Find a way to go.  Don't make excuses about money, time, jobs, friends, family, or potential terrorist attacks.  Bad things happen in life.  You could die abroad.  Then again, you could die at home.  Plan the trip, book the tickets, and go.  Otherwise, you might regret it for the rest of your life.  You're only young once.


 - Adam

And the winner is...


Bangkok is the one place that I absolutely plan to go back to in the future.  My time spent in Bangkok was the highlight of my trip.  Every single street was an adventure.  The food, the people, the buildings, the lifestyle, and the chaos were so much fun.

I titled many of my Bangkok posts with the word chaos.  Bangkok is utterly chaotic, but in a good way.  I could never live there, but the chaos made it so fun to leave the hostel each day and wonder what craziness I would see that day.

Haggling with taxis and food vendors was enjoyable.  Unlike in Jerusalem where people tried to rip you off with aggressive sales tactics, people in Bangkok tried to rip you off with a smile.  Sometimes I won the game and sometimes I lost.  Still, losing only meant an extra US dollar, so it wasn't a big deal.

Bangkok is dirty and probably full of thieves.  Still, those things just added character to the city.  Beautiful temples were next to abandoned buildings and landfills.  The lack of organization just made it that much more special.  I am sure as Bangkok develops, it will lose many of the traits that made it fun for me.

Whether you stay at the JW Marriott or a dirty hostel (or do both like me) I would recommend a trip to Bangkok (and the rest of Thailand.)

Bangkok is the "best" place I have ever visited.

Ranking - Cities

 So here we are.  This is the ranking that really matters.  After sampling cities all around the world, I know which ones I would return to in the future and which ones I have no interest in going back to.

1. Bangkok, Thailand
2. Seoul, South Korea
3. Singapore, Singapore
4. London, United Kingdom
5. Jerusalem, Israel
6. Paris, France
7. Hong Kong, Hong Kong
8. Tel Aviv, Israel
9. Amman, Jordan
10. Tokyo, Japan
11. Taipei, Taiwan
12.Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
13. Macau, Macau
14. Penang, Malaysia
15. Johor Bahru, Malaysia
16. Mumbai, India (airport)

The list is pretty easy to divide.  Number 7 and below, I would not revisit for personal vacation.  Number 2 through 6, I would consider visiting again on a future trip.  I will certainly visit Bangkok again someday.  I don't know when it will be, but that's the one city on this list that I keep thinking about.

Mumbai doesn't really count since I didn't make it to the city.  Still, the airport (and its staff) earned it last place.

Johor Bahru should be avoided.  I really have nothing positive to say about my visit.  It's just not a place for tourists.

Penang may have good beaches, but I think there are better places to go.  I didn't spend all that long there, but I'm glad.

Macau may generate more gambling revenue than Las Vegas, but it's nothing in comparison.  It's crime-ridden, dirty, and strikingly poor.  See my Macau post for a telling picture.

Kuala Lumpur was worth seeing, but not revisiting.  See my post on it for more details, but it had all the problems of a developing country without any of the charms.

Taipei had one of my favorite attractions (Taipei 101) but had little else.  Getting runover by a scooter is not my idea of fun.  The buses are painful and the air quality is terrible.

Tokyo was the surprise on my list.  As explained in my Tokyo summary, it is like a machine.  It's clean, efficient, and organized.  The lack of character proves to be its downfall.  I just didn't enjoy my stay in Tokyo as much as other cities because Tokyo lacked charm.  Tokyo is worth a visit for newcomers, but I'm happy spending future trips elsewhere.

Amman was another city that is very worth visiting once.  How many cities are safe enough for Americans to visit in the Arabic world?  I found Amman to be an unappealing desert.  Still, it was worth the flight to find that out.  It was also good to see the biblical sights that I did.  Again, I'm glad I went, but won't be going back.

Tel Aviv was fine, but it reminded me of Miami.  It was a beach town.  The languages barrier left me with a slightly more negative impression than I otherwise would have had.  If you are going to visit Jerusalem, I would take the one hour bus ride to Tel Aviv.  I wouldn't make a vacation based on Tel Aviv though.

Hong Kong was the final city that was worth a visit, but not a revisit.  It lives up to its reputation as Asia's "World City" but I was ready to leave before my plans called for it.  (Hence my visit to Macau).  I just never quite clicked with the feel of the city.

This was my third visit to Paris.  I was barely there, but there is still a charm to it.  I am sure I will be back in the future.  The French language is just fun to listen to and no one makes pastries like the French.

Jerusalem was a city where I wished I had scheduled more time.  I hope to go back some day.  Jerusalem has a unique atmosphere to it.  There are so many religious pilgrims from all different countries and faiths.  It makes for a completely different experience.  I have never visited a city like Jerusalem before.

London was packed with sights.  I hope to go back and see all the ones I missed.  The only knock to London is that it felt like NYC with older buildings.  Maybe that's a compliment.  Maybe NYC is actually a copy of London.  Either way, London would have been so much more exciting had I not spent significant time in NYC.  It watered down the experience because of the similarities between the two cities.  Still, London was one of my favorites.

Singapore is what I had expected Hong Kong to be.  Singapore speaks perfect English and is packed with air conditioning and shopping.  My favorite part of Singapore was the hawker centers with the food stalls.  I really wished we had those here.  Singapore is the city in Asia I would be most likely to live in.

I can't really explain my ranking of Seoul.  I just ended up liking the city and its people.  Seoul had a swagger to it.  Maybe that's what happens when you have a huge US military base in the middle of your city to protect you.  Seoul was planted nicely in the middle of the spectrum in Asia.  It was cheaper than Hong Kong and Tokyo, yet much more refined than Taipei and Bangkok.  More than any city except Bangkok, I felt welcome here.

See the next post for Bangkok.

Ranking - Lodging

 I left off my hotels because it's not apples to apples.  Clearly, the JW Marriott in Bangkok is a paradise.

This ranking is for quality, not price.  Price scales by location, but all of my accommodations were highly rated for their location.  Quality should have been similar, but it wasn't.

1. Pride of Paddington - London, United Kingdom
2. St. Christopher's - Paris, France
3. K's House - Tokyo, Japan
4. Sunshine Bedz KL - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
5. 5footway.inn Chinatown - Singapore, Singapore

6. Chef Hostel - Tel Aviv, Israel
7. Tower Hostel - Amman, Jordan

8. Parkview Hostel - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
9. Flip Flop Hostel - Taipei, Taiwan
10. Niras Cultural Center - Bangkok, Thailand
11. Jin's Paradise - Seoul, South Korea
12. CSIA - Mumbai, India

I didn't include the trains I slept on either.  Number 12 is sort of a joke too, but the ranking still stands.  Do not stay at the Mumbai Airport in the terminal.

I don't have a whole lot of commentary on the rankings.  Some people might want the best party atmosphere or the softest bed.  All I wanted was cleanliness and air conditioning.

The top three were all pretty nice.  They were spotless and cool.  Korea and Thailand were filthy and hot.

Israel was the most like a home.  That's probably because it was.  The owners slept there too and cooked a lot.

I think accommodations are unrelated to the country itself.  There are nice hotels in Thailand (like the JW) and horrible hotels in France.  I stayed at one for work once.

However, if you ever find yourself looking for a place to stay, my list above might be helpful.  Number 1-9 were decent enough to stay at again.

Day 32 - Flight to Dallas

I woke up at 2am feeling ready to start the day.  I laid around for two hours before heading downstairs for the shuttle bus.  The driver forcefully insisted that he remove my backpack from my back and place it in the luggage rack himself.  Maybe it's some sort of union rule.

The check-in kiosk couldn't find my reservation, so I used the first class check-in.  As usual, my AA number wasn't attached to the reservation because it was a British Airways ticket.  I used to call in and fix it, but it takes so long that I didn't bother this time.

I went to the Admirals Club where I had "breakfast".

Four different mini-muffins, an apple, and club soda with lime.

Empty Admirals Club.
The lounge opened at 4:45am and I entered right when she unlocked the door.  I sat in the empty lounge enjoying my "breakfast".  I miss Cathay Pacific already.

Since I couldn't select my seat in advance, I didn't have many options.  I ended up in the first row of the coach cabin, but that meant no legroom because of the bulkhead.  The agent also didn't tell me that the man in the middle was morbidly obese.  That should be a requirement upon check-in.  All customers who have a width greater than the seat should be identified so premium passengers can avoid them.

The flight was a very cramped four hours.  Since I wasn't sleepy at all, it was that much longer.  My status got me free mixed nuts, but there wasn't much else to note about the flight.  We were on-time and I escaped the warm, squishy blob that had been touching me for four hours.

Seeing Dallas below was very bittersweet.  I exited DFW and was hit by surprisingly nice 80 degree air with low humidity!

Then it was over.  32 days of flights, crazy foods, adventures, mistakes, interesting sights, and a whole lot of fun.  A few more posts to come with final thoughts.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ranking - Costs

These rankings are how expensive the city was.  This includes the exchange rate variance, so everything is ranked in terms of USD.

1. London, United Kingdom
2. Paris, France 
3. Tokyo, Japan
4. Hong Kong, Hong Kong
5. Singapore, Singapore
6. Macau, Macau
7. Tel Aviv, Israel
8. Jerusalem, Israel
9. Seoul, South Korea
10. Taipei, Taiwan
11. Amman, Jordan
12. Mumbai, India
13. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
14. Penang, Malaysia
15. Johor Bahru, Malaysia
16. Bangkok, Thailand

None of this is really surprising.  I was a little surprised at just how cheap Thailand really was and a little bit by just how expensive London was.  Still, the rankings themselves were pretty much expected.

Day 31 - Hodge Podge of Photos

Here are some pictures that haven't made it into previous posts.

Airline for fat people?

Clueless Americans can't figure out the ticket machines.

"Soft Drink with Vegetable Extracts with Sweeteners"

If anyone out there really loves me, please buy me one.

Strasberries and Pineberries at Harrods.  They are exactly what you think they are.

I'll pass on the jellied eel.

The Invisible Man!

Domino's delivers of course.  On bikes!

Now my skin is pink instead of crimson.  That's a good sign I think.