Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 11 - More Chaos

After my clothes finally finished, I headed out to explore.  I ended up in Little India by accident and saw some really interesting things.  Indians really like to sell bolts of cloth.  I have never bought a bolt of cloth in my life.  I doubt any large business is buying cloth out of the back of a truck, so who buys these things?  Are there really that many people weaving their own clothes at home?

I moved from Little India into Chinatown.  You can buy anything in Chinatown.  Absolutely anything.  It started raining, so I didn't have enough time to explore in depth.  I plan to go back tomorrow.

I was already wet from sweat (as usual) so walking in the rain was actually nice.  The clouds cooled the city down from the 90s to the 80s.  85 degrees with 100% humidity never felt so good!  I walked in the rain to Khao San Road, a notorious backpacker haven.  It was one of the most interesting places I have ever been.  There were hippies everywhere with dreadlocks and sarongs.  There were also vendors selling all sorts of things, but especially suits and watches.  The atmosphere was like a carnival.

After trying to wait out the rain, I decided to eat dinner at the restaurant whose awning I was standing under.  It was Italian, but I ordered Spicy Thai pizza to try and avoid the disaster from last night.

No Mango juice?!  I settled for pineapple.
Here are a few interesting pictures from Khao San.

Clever ATM.
That's one way to attract business.
Or you can just buy a fake ID at the shop next door.
Notice the sections.
And the other sections.

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