Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 4 - Deathmarch

It was time for dinner, so I started searching around the American area.  I found a vietnamese place, which was great since I had been craving some vermicelli.  For anyone who thinks all asian food is the same, come to Asia.  Korean food is completely different from Japanese.  Vietnamese is again completely different.  The ingredients, cooking style, and common sides make each meal different.  Anyway, I got my vermicelli and surprisingly a Coke Zero!  Coke Zero was easy to find in Europe four years ago.  It has been much tougher here in Asia.  Perhaps even stranger is that I have not seen a single Diet Coke in all of Asia.  Coke Zero seems to be the diet alternative.

Ah, vermicelli, how I missed thee.
Dinner was great for people-watching.  It turns out there are military families here from other countries too.  I suppose that makes sense considering South Korea is officially fighting alongside the UN, not the US.  I listened to a French and German family at other tables.  Both sets ordered in english, so I guess the locals decided two languages was enough.

Afterwards, I started walking back to the hostel...or so I thought.  Remember, I don't have a map or cellular data here in Asia.  I walk everywhere using the sun and tall buildings as landmarks.  I do have a subway map, but it's pretty useless outside the subway.  The hostel was supposed to be closer to the restaurant than the nearest subway, so I headed off.  Unfortunately, the roads were all curved and made my cardinal direction-based navigation difficult.  Sometimes I really miss NYC and how easy directions are.

The rest of the journey to the hostel involved significant foot pain, so I will spare the details.  Instead, here are some pictures!

Transgender club, check.

Pick any octopus for dinner.

The workers were wearing lab coats.

For all your interracial marriage needs!

American football helmets and old suitcases for sale.

Why can't all restaurants just tell you their quality up front?

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