Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 4 - Marching through Seoul

Soon, I figured it out.  I saw this sign.

So I should stop taking pictures right about now.
I don't have any additional pictures because of the sign, but behind the gate are lots of people with automatic weapons.  Apparently my hostel was right next to the major US military base and the ROK Department of National Defense.  ROK soldiers look pretty silly compared to their US counterparts because they wear actual combat gear including the helmet.  Walking by, I passed hordes of interesting groups including Seoul police, military police, off-duty US soliders, on-duty US soldiers, the Argentinian Ambassador to South Korea, and secret agents of some sort.  Who else wears all black suits and ear pieces in 90 degree heat?

After getting past all the barbed wire, I found the War Memorial and Museum in Seoul.  It was closed since it was Monday, but I took some nice pictures of the outside.  The memorial is in english and really shows how appreciative South Korea is of the US.  In fact, I noticed that a lot throughout my time in Seoul.  There is very strong pro-American sentiment.  I suppose that makes sense since they have a homicidal, renegade, wanna-be nuclear power bordering them to the north.  I would probably want some strong friends too.

This building is huge!  Twice the size of the picture.
After the memorial, I went to the market.  I will post some pictures because it's the best way to describe it.

Need shoes?  One million to choose!

Lady selling bugs.

It's like a funnel.
I was hungry by this time, so I decided to eat at the market.  I found the cart with the longest line and waited.  This is what I found when I reached the front.

I'll have the one with the circle.

So, what's inside those things?

Piping hot, deep fried, spicy kim-chee!  Perfect for a blistering hot day.
After my $1 lunch, I figured I could sample a few more items.  You have to love the exchange rate here.  I found sweet sesame cinnamon bread and more real juice.  This time I had banana and kiwi.

A little tart, but still refreshing.

That's pineapple on a stick.  Tasty.

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