Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 28 - London

Today was a long day with a lot of walking, but I covered quite a bit of the city.

I started out walking from the hostel to Kensington Park.  I found the Princess Diana Memorial Playground.

BREAKING NEWS: Children may be injured while playing.
 The park is nice.

Kensington Palace
Kensington Gardens
I then headed out of the park exit to Kensington High Street.  I found a Whole Foods!

It was a very nice Whole Foods.
I continued on until I found some nice looking buildings.

Westminster Abbey
Hi Ben.
UK Parliament building.
Methodist Church.
All of those buildings are steps from each other.  The fee to enter the Abbey was nearly $30 USD.  I declined.  It's sad to have to pass up such a famous building, but with all other tickets costing a similar amount, it's just unaffordable to pay that much.  London has plenty more to offer and I can spend my money on bottled water, which costs a fortune.

After this area, I followed all of the people in suits to their lunch.  It turns out that London businessmen get cheap sandwiches and eat in nearby parks.

Falafel baguette.

Eating in the park.
After lunch I headed to the giant wheel in the sky.

More than $30 USD to ride.  No thanks.
It wasn't worth the price, but it makes a good photo.  Then I went to someplace worth the price.

The National Gallery.
This huge art museum is completely free.  That was a nice change from everything else in the city.  The museum is in Trafalgar Square, which has some good views.

Trafalgar Square
Next up was a miniature version of Times Square, which I have learned that every city has.

Piccadilly Circus
Oops, I got my day out of order.  Before the lunch hour, I saw something really neat.

Buckingham Palace
Changing of the guard.
More changing.
It's quite the scene to watch.  I have some videos that do more justice to it.

That was a lot of sights for the day.  The sun doesn't set until nearly 9:30pm here, so maybe I'll fit some more activities in tonight.

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