Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 18 - Lazy Day

To avoid falling asleep dirty, I am having a very slow, easy day.  I am doing laundry, since my next three nights are on a train, a train, and an airplane.  I highly doubt I can do laundry at the airport in India, so this is my only chance before running out of clothes.

There is no laundry service at the hostel and no laundromat nearby.  That means I get to do sink laundry, which is OK.  It worked out fine in Korea.

I picked a place close by for lunch to avoid overheating and had some seafood soup.

It's always strange when your food stares back at you.
Then I found such a great deal for dessert that I couldn't pass it up.

It looks just like the picture.
If they can sell this cone for RM1 in Malaysia (less than 30 US cents), then how much profit do you think they make selling it for $1 back home?

Doesn't look like much of a wait at the "Special Clinic".
What do you think happens here?

On the way back to the hostel, I was accosted by a man insisting I needed a beautiful woman.  When I replied, "I don't want a beautiful woman", he told me that little boys cost double.  That's something that I didn't need to know.

Also, my hostel is on the third floor above a "massage parlor".  Every time I walk up the stairs to go back to the hostel, the women inside wave at me and beckon me to come in.  I have serious doubts about the quality of their "traditional Malaysian massages".  Why do you need to wear a mini-skirt for a massage?

Afte retrieving my laundry, I have to kill some time before my train to Penang.  I hope Penang has showers and wifi.  Otherwise, I will be very dirty and incommunicado for the next 72 hours.

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