Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 30 - Things I will (and won't) miss

Will miss
Cheap street food
Meeting new people everywhere
Buying local
Reliable (and sometimes cheap) public transportatio
New and crazy foods
Airline lounges
Walking everywhere (and thereby avoiding driving in traffic)
Exploring new places
Waking up each day with no set schedule

Won't miss
Almost being run over hourly by anything with wheels
Public toilets
Wells Fargo international ATM fees
Trying to speak a new language every few days
Top bunks
Waiting in immigration/security/boarding lines
Changing currencies every few days
Carrying all my belongings with me (and having to turn around carefully so I don't hit people)
Exhaust-filled air
Garbage in the streets
Stray animals
Looking like a homeless person

I have gotten used to walking and using public transportation.  With all the construction back home, I had been getting more and more agitated with driving.  I wish there were subways and cheap taxis back home.  At least there will be in NYC.  Well, not cheap, but available.

If I was being paid to write these entries, I could probably do travel writing for a living.  Since I'm not, I guess I will have to adjust to the American lifestyle, which certainly has its positives.  I'll touch on some of those differences in a later entry.

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