Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 4 - Still marching...

After the market, I decided to hike up the "mountain" to the tallest building in South Korea and the 10th tallest in the world.

It's not that far away...
View of the city from up high

Coolest bathroom view ever!
OK, so the tower was actually really far away because of all the switchbacks and curvy roads.  My feet were pretty beat up by the time I made it.  When your guidebook says to take the bus, take the bus.  That said, it was a great 360 degree view.  Seoul goes on forever in all directions.  I thought Dallas was a city of sprawl but we have nothing on Seoul.

After the tower, I went to see a traditional Korean-style residential area.  Most of Seoul has modernized, but a few old homes remain.  It's a very peaceful area with no close subway.  Unfortunately, that meant more walking on my very tender feet.

It's like living by the Hollywood sign...

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