Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 3 - Tokyo to Seoul

There is not much to report about this flight other than the meal since I slept for everything afterwards.  There was no meal choice.  Everyone was served the same sushi dinner.

Never had cuttlefish before...

Ah, Häagen-Dazs and sardine sushi.  Perfect combo.
Korean customs and immigration were so fast compared to Japan!  They glanced at my passport and said "Welcome to Korea."  Customs didn't even bother to ask me any questions.  I handed her the card and walked through.

It took me nearly two hours to get to the hostel.  I took a local subway instead of the express to save money, not realizing that the exchange rate made the difference negligable.  Sure, the express train was four times more expensive than the regular one.  However, when the local train is $.80 maybe I should have splurged the extra $2.40.  I staggered into the hostel, met Jin (the extremely friend owner), and went straight to bed.  I did notice that the "hostel" was actually just an apartment with lots of bunk beds, but that didn't concern me at the time.  I was too sleepy to care.

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