Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 15 - Leaving Singapore

As I check off another country, I find myself a little sad to leave Singapore.  I couldn't wait to get out of Tokyo, so this is sort of a different feeling.  I could have used a little more time here.  That's good to know for planning my return to Asia someday.

Singapore seems like a nice place to live.  The heat is oppressive, but not any more so than a Texas summer.  Yes, the summer would last all 12 months of the year, but we survive in Texas somehow.  I'm sure Singapore would be similar.  You stay in the air conditioning as much as possible and you take more showers than usual.  I guess that's no different than home.

Singapore is well-designed like Tokyo, but has real people living in it.  It is clean and fashionable.  The people here love shopping and eating.  I could get used to that.  Everyone (except imported Japanese hair stylists) speak perfect English.  There are a lot of rules, but they keep everything looking nice and operating smoothly.  I can see why there are so many expatriates here.

With Singapore done and India taken off the list, I have only one Asian country left.  I'm curious to see what Malaysia is like.  Then I can put together my Asian ranking and see how it compares with what I expected.

Tomorrow night I take a sleeper train to Kuala Lumpur.  I may not be able to update on time without access to a hostel wifi connection, so just hold tight.

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