Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 29 - More London

I ended up falling asleep at 10pm last night after a long day of walking, so nothing new from last night.

I started the day with breakfast downstairs again.  I will take a picture of it tomorrow and explain.  The "Full English" breakfast is not something we would typically eat back home.  Mushrooms and baked beans don't usually qualify as morning delicacies.

I headed off to Harrod's, the famous department store.  This place is a really cool store that sells handbags that cost more than my car.  A single chocolate truffle from the display was $5 USD.  Here is the ice cream menu.

I hope there are real gold flakes on top.
Here are some pictures from the rest of the store.

Egyptian escalators.

Fancy elevators.

Giant bears.
After window shopping (and going to one of the world's nicest bathrooms where a man sprayed me with five different colognes) I headed to my next destination.

Hard to get St. Paul's in one picture.

Quick picture inside.
I couldn't afford to get in, but since the ticket counter is inside the building, I was able to get an idea of what it looked like.  I hadn't passed the no picture sign, so hopefully it was okay to sneak a quick one.

Then it was lunch time, so I headed across the street to the first restaurant I saw.

Conveyer food!

A few plates I snatched.
Yum.  On the downside, it was certainly the most expensive meal of my trip.  More than $30 for lunch.  That's more than I spent on food for a week in Thailand and Malaysia.

After lunch it was off to find London Bridge.

It turns out, it's not falling down.
See the bridge in the back with the rings?  That's not it.  That's the Tower Bridge.  London Bridge is actually pretty ugly.

The original one is in Arizona now.
London Bridge wasn't nearly as cool as London Tower.

Nice castle they have here.

I think I will go inside.
On second thought, the outside looks nice enough.
Admission prices in London are just outrageous.  If I spent $30+ USD for every single building, I'd hit my daily ATM limit and have no money for food.

I went to Brick Lane, which is famous for its curry houses.  I ate at the Brick Lane Curry House in NYC, so I wanted to find the street.  It turns out, it's sort of a run-down area.  In fact, vandalism is a problem.  At the public toilets, they have to stop it somehow.

Cameras are the solution.
Yes, that camera is pointed inside the stall to ensure you don't vandalize the toilet or write on the walls.  After the creepy bathroom experience, I headed back to the hostel to rest my feet.

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