Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 2 - Flight to Tokyo

This flight ends up in Day 2 since I crossed the international dateline.  Let's state the obvious: international business class is great!  I felt like a king in my full-recline throne.  The flight attendants for JAL are completely different than the ones servicing domestic flights in the US.  The service is top-notch, bordering on overkill.  The flight attendants do not speak much english, but I kept imagining them saying "it would be the greatest honor of my life to provide you with your pre-meal hot towel".  They actually treat you like royalty.  With my Oneworld Emerald status, I was the first person to board.  They literally had a red carpet rolled out and the entire JAL gate staff lined up to personally thank me one by one.  The five of us (four first class passengers and me) walked to the plane as luggage handlers and airport staff bowed at us.  That just doesn't happen in the US.

The gate dragon

Tetris on a plane!
Meal service was wonderful.  I took pictures of the full menu page by page, but it is way more fun to post this picture and let everyone guess what exactly it is that I ate.  The meal was four or five courses, and here is course one.
The bottom left corner is vegetable jello.  Yum?
Rather than go on and on about food, which I am pretty good at, I will skip past the rest of the flight.  I alternated between watching movies, trying to sleep, reading about Tokyo, and eating random menu items.  Then we landed at Narita International in Japan!

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